Axonal regeneration in biosynthetic nerve guide conduits

Principal investigator: Ivo Vanický
Duration of project: 1.7.2015 / 30.6.2019
Project registration number: APVV-14-0847



In adult mammals, nerve fibers are capable of regeneration. In peripheral nerve after injury, axons from the proximal stump regrow across the site of injury into the distal stump and create new connections with their target organs. Current surgical techniques allow for a direct reconstruction of the severed nerve (end-to-end) only if the missing segment is not too large.

After devastating injuries, autologous nerve grafts can be used. Synthetic nerve guides for nerve regeneration can be used as a substitute for autologous grafts. Regrowth of regenerating fibers across the synthetic nerve guides is limited to relatively short distances. This restriction is surprising, because in the distal stumps, regenerating axons are able to grow over long distances.

Advances in the synthesis of biocompatible polymers provide new biomaterials with optimized properties. In the present project, we plan to use biosynthetic guides made from new elastomeric materials. The properties of the nerve guide will be modified and tested in vitro, with the goal to stimulate regeneration over long distances. The effectiveness of these modifications on regeneration process will be tested in vivo.

Endogenous stimulation and exogenous application of neurotrophic factors to reduce secondary damage in model of spinal cord compression

Principal investigator: Nadežda Lukáčová
Duration of project: 1.1.2014 / 31.12.2016
Project registration number: 2/0173/14



One of the main objectives of spinal cord injury research is to restore neural connections. The goal of present project is to examine changes in the intensity and extent of axonal damage in motor pathways and in functional recovery after spinal cord compression after

1) exogenous application of neurotrophic factors, 2

) stimulation of endogenous neurotrophic factors by application of non-peptide agonist angiotensin AT2R,

3) application of 3D scaffold created using biodegradable composite porous membrane prepared from chitosan, and

4) combination therapy (the most effective exogenous/endogenous stimulation of growth factors and biodegradable composite). To quantify these changes, the markers for overgrowth of axons, demylinization, inflammatory response,apoptosis and oxidative/nitrosative stress will be analysed. To assess the effectiveness of the proposed therapy for signal transmission over long conductive spinal systems, the suitable markers will be applied.


Nová kombinovaná terapia na báze alginátových biomateriálov a trofických faktorov pre obnovu poranenej miechy.

Principal investigator in SAS: MVDr. Dáša Čížková, DrSc.
Principal investigator in France: Prof. M. Salzet, PhD.
Duration of project: 1.1.2016-31.12.2018
Project registration number: SK-FR- 2015-0018

Projects of the Slovak Research and Development Assistance Agency (APVV)

Axonal regeneration in biosynthetic nerve guide conduits

Principal investigator: Ivo Vanický
Duration of project: 1.7.2015 / 30.6.2019
Project registration number: APVV-14- 0847


Projects of the Scientific Grant Agency (VEGA)

Blood as a medium providing the tolerance in a brain after global and focal ischemic attack

Principal investigator: Petra Bonová
Duration of project: 1.1.2015 / 31.12.2017
Project registration number: 2/0012/15



Analysis of post-traumatic inflammatory and regenerative processes along the rostro- caudal axis of the spinal cord after administration of mesenchymal stem cells: an immunohistochemical and proteomic study

Principal investigator: Dáša Čížková
Duration of project: 1.1.2015 / 31.12.2017
Project registration number:2/0125/15



Endogenous stimulation and exogenous application of neurotrophic factors to reduce secondary damage in model of spinal cord compression

Principal investigator: Nadežda Lukáčová
Duration of project: 1.1.2014 / 31.12.2016
Project registration number:2/0173/14



Impact of angiogenesis inhibition on postnatal neurogenesis

Principal investigator: Marcela Martončíková
Duration of project: 1.1.2014 / 31.12.2016
Project registration number: 2/0179/14



Ischemic injured rat brain tissue response to application of postconditioning: the study of ischemic tolerance acquisition with MALDI bottom up proteomic approach

Principal investigator: Miroslava Némethová
Duration of project: 1.1.2015 / 31.12.2017
Project registration number:2/0045/15



Neuroprotective mechanisms of the AT2 receptor stimulation after traumatic spinal cord injury

Principal investigator: Jaroslav Pavel
Duration of project: 1.1.2016 / 31.12.2018
Project registration number: 2/0160/16



Investigation of postnatal neurogenesis in relation to neurodegeneration

Principal investigator: Enikö Račeková
Duration of project: 1.1.2015 / 31.12.2017
Project registration number: 2/0069/15



Influence of electromagnetic radiation on some organs of sexually immature rats

Principal investigator in SAS: Enikö Račeková 
Duration of project: 1.1.2015 / 31.12.2017
Project registration number:1/0214/15



International projects

Study of the neuroprotective potential of P2X7 and CALHM1 channels in ischemia

Principal investigator: Miroslav Gottlieb
Duration of project: 20.3.2015 / 30.6.2016
Project registration number:B-MOB



Nová kombinovaná terapia na báze alginátových biomateriálov a trofických faktorov pre obnovu poranenej miech

Principal investigator in SAS: MVDr. Dáša Čížková, DrSc.
Principal investigator in France: Prof. M. Salzet, PhD.
Duration of project:1.1.2016-31.12.2018
Project registration number:SK-FR- 2015-0018



Projects of EU Structural Funds

MEDIPARK - University biomedical scientific park of P.J. Safarik University

Principal investigator: Nadežda Lukáčová 
Duration of project: 10.7.2013 / 30.6.2016
Project registration number: ITMS 26220220185 


Influence of electromagnetic radiation on some organs of sexually immature rats

Principal investigator in SAS: Enikö Račeková 
Duration of project: 1.1.2015 / 31.12.2017
Project registration number: 1/0214/15

Read more: Influence of electromagnetic radiation